pretty awesome
that was great, a longer storyline would be better but other than that it was great!
pretty awesome
that was great, a longer storyline would be better but other than that it was great!
hmmm.... good sprite animation
the sprite animation was good, and it was a good effort for 5 days, but the jokes weren't funny, why did mario just all of a sudden fall over when he got to windows, and when you first showed the castle you couldn't see what it said for thta split moment. Things randomly falling on people are funny unless they are unexpected. I think you humour needs improving but the rest was good. Unfortuently since humour was the whole point of this I think it will get blammed, although i have seen much worse on newgrounds.
Also the preloader was messed up, gotta fix it.
loved it, btw great work on the clay animation and happy pico day to all
I don't get it?!?!
What is it, is it a preview a proper episode or what, sorry but i think that only the sound and graphics were good.
"...this is actually the opening however..."
Mm, i told you in the description it was the opening. ill take a good job on the sound and graphics any day :D
I'm sorry but i am very confused, it was one of the crappiest flashes I have ever seen on newgrounds, but I LIKED IT.... i can't really review this properly becuase even though I thought i didn't like it i did... WTF IS WRONG WITH ME!
You have sense of humour.
Your right it was hard to enjoy it, atm it is bad in my opinion, but i think you can make it better, graphics and sound r good as they r, but the story line can do with some working on, not bad for a 1 day flash though.
Gee thanx man
I still havent come up with a good storyline to make a flash animation to.
If someone gives me ideas i could make it well but yeah
It was alright
it was alright and has great potential, keep it up, keep impoving graphics and it will be great. Mind you graphics r good but could be better.
Pretty much I just like to enjoy flashes, if it's bad I'll tell you, if it's good I'll tell you, I'll just be honest. I now know a lot of actionscript and should soon be putting on some awesome games.
Age 32, Male
Joined on 3/28/06