I laugh because this will be me when Australia eventually gets brawl...
Until then I cry...
I laugh because this will be me when Australia eventually gets brawl...
Until then I cry...
Too floaty for my liking.
This was good, but waaaaaaaay to floaty at some points, like the guy just floated in the air while the stage moved under him.
I couldn't say yes I want this to stay on newgrounds but maybe with another day's effort I rekon it can be great :)
Good but too long
You're clearly talented when it comes to flash, the problem was, for me, for a promo it was a bit too long, it lost my interest halfway through, and I think he lost his headband randomly when he just walked past the lake but I'm not sure and it took too long to double check.
I thought the animation was good and the music suited it well and all, it was just a bit too long. I look foward to seeing if you continue this idea.
So nice
That was really touching and nice, great work on animation, sound, style everything.
Good but...
Good but if a movie is going to be 5 megs please out in a preloader.
I always love these!
I always love these olden day sorta flashes that you do, keep them up because they are halarious!
I don't know why you haven't done flash for a while, your obviously good at it, and your animating skills are top notch, I hope to see a long future from you :) Great job, keep up the good work.
i havnt been doin flash, cause im lazy, and unmotivated, the most I can get done is drawing a picture... but yea, thanks man its good to hear, Happy 420
Ow my brain.
Any flash that can give me a headache is worth staying on :)
Pretty much I just like to enjoy flashes, if it's bad I'll tell you, if it's good I'll tell you, I'll just be honest. I now know a lot of actionscript and should soon be putting on some awesome games.
Age 32, Male
Joined on 3/28/06